Review of LDCN – Into the Night Sky album on Mobius Spin (mbsspn012)

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I’m really pleased that Mobius Spin has released this album. There are some great soundscapes, sometimes with an edgy feel, which work really well. LDCN describes Into the Night Sky as ‘mixed rough’ but that aspect really adds to the sound, giving the album a more spontaneous almost live feel at times.
Odyssey This song is a great opener to the album, it sets the scene of exploration, a really good soundscape with a sense of anticipation.
Night Sky has a great opening sound, really builds a sense of tension. There’s a really nice use of delay effect too.
Searching Again, this song creates a great soundscape which builds a great tension through layering and feedback.
Descent has a nice opening rhythm with a different feel to the rest of the songs. There is a really good use of layering against the rhythm.
Zoned This song is quite short but has great sounds and a really good beat.
Strange Mind II has slowly evolving sounds, great bell type sounds and again a really good soundscape.
In the Distance Opens with great percussion and swirling sounds, the vinyl effect works really well and creates a nice glitchy rhythm and the song has a great edgy feel.
Static Another great soundscape, evolving sounds create a nice tension.
Up Here Great synth and bass sounds gives a nice chord movement and creates a nice tension and resolution. Percussion gives the song momentum.
Exploration Another great soundscape, great evolving sounds and a really nice sample to end the album.

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