You are currently viewing Tape MELLO_FI by Arturia free for a limited time from AudioPlugin Deals

Tape MELLO_FI by Arturia free for a limited time from AudioPlugin Deals


AudioPlugin Deals have announced that Tape MELLO-FI is free to download for a limited time – until 10th November 2022.  It comes in VST / VST3, AU and AAX formats for Windows and Mac and is typically priced at $99.

I haven’t tried this myself yet but it looks like great software, especially for free (note that an account is required for download).

Tape MELLO-FI is an easy-to-use plugin that brings instant chill atmosphere and vintage tape-aged warmth to any sound. Use its straightforward preamp, modulation and filter/output sections to sprinkle sublime lo-fi vibes over any sounds.

Key Features

  • Authentic tape emulator & lo-fi effect based on Mellotron V’s vintage sound & behaviour
  • Includes classic tape controls like Noise, Flutter, Wow, Wear, and Mechanics
  • Introduces useful features like Distortion and Boost
  • Interactive tape wheel with tempo-synchronized Tape Stop feature and optional
  • Instant Tape Catch-up
  • 12dB low-pass and high-pass filter section
  • Enhanced Stereo Width feature introduces offsets to Wow & Flutter from left to right for an extra-wide sound
  • Curated 25-preset library for instant-access to retro & lo-fi effects
  • Apple M1 compatible