Review of Lantern – Rock and Roll Rorschach album on Cardinal Fuzz (CFUL019)

I only need one word to describe this release – flipping brilliant. Ok that’s two. Great grooves, great guitar tones, chunky riffs and searing solos. It’s the sort of rock and roll you don’t hear too often anymore – but equally there’s great variety and different styles. High octane, highly recommended!
It was released by Cardinal Fuzz (CFUL019) on transparent gold and black vinyl, each of which comes with a bonus CD which has all the LP tracks plus 4 bonus tracks. It is available from Cardinal Fuzz online shop
Evil Eye bursts into a great groove, there is some great feedback and lead playing. Vocals are pretty bare processing-wise which is exactly how you want it, they really keep the momentum going. High energy is maintained through the track. A great opener.
King of the Jungle opens with a more laid back groove before the lead riff enters. The vocals are more spoken and a bit gnarly which really suits the style of the song. Great lead tone on the solo.

Where Are We Now opens with a bended note leading into a great lead line for this high tempo song. Vocals have that sort of don’t give a shit sort of feel. Great solo playing again, holds back to start with but lets go without losing control. Tempo actually increases towards the end ending with a release.

Rock and roll Rorschach Bit more laidback this one but again a solid groove and great vocals. Saxophone is a great addition.

She’s a Rebel is then a big contrast, having an acoustic intro and very laid back feel. Really nice solo playing, subtle to compliment the song perfectly.

The Conjurer opens with a bluesy groove with some blues harp for good measure. There is also a blues harp solo later in the song.

Out of Our Heads has an opening riff which is a bit reminiscent of AC/DC leading into a great riff, this is a really high tempo song with great riffing combined with excellent solo playing. On the very edge of losing control. Brilliant!

Heart in Your Tongue continues in a similar vein with high energy riffing and great vocals. It even has a horn section. The song builds into a high tempo crescendo to end.

The great thing about being sent the digital promo for review is that I also received the four bonus tracks:

Mr Mars has more of a fuzz type tone, a great groove and solid riffing with a hint of sax. Definite glam rock elements with great soloing.

Rock n Roll Music again has a great opening, tight rhythm and solid riffing. Nice lead lines, great soloing to end the song.

I don’t Know has a different feel, again it’s a high energy and uptempo song with a solid groove. Great lead lines.

Out of Our Heads This is a garage type recording of the song found on the album. It has a really raw sound to it.