Review of ‘Time to Make a Move’ EP by Rum Thief

Rum Thief’s last release was Reach for the Weatherman which was released back in August 2015 and I’ve previously reviewed this release which you can read here.

It’s great to see another release, an EP with an excellent indie vibe which features four songs with a range of styles from high energy, uptempo songs to a more laid back feel and often a great contrast between the two. There’s superb riffing and solos and excellent vocals with a great presence.

Spitting Daggers
Distorted slightly jangly riff to open is propelled by solid drumming and bass and very distorted, gnarly riff. The vocals have a great presence, a brooding quality with excellent change into the verses. An uptempo song with great energy, there’s a solo which releases to a stripped back chord vamp kind of feel with vocals before returning to the more distorted sound.

Time to Make a Move
A kind of jazz feel to the strummed guitar chords accompanied by more shimmery chords and uptempo hats. The bass and guitar take on a more funky feel. The vocals are excellent again.

What do You Know
Great strummed chords to open, bass and drumming give a solid momentum. It’s quite a laid back feel with excellent vocals again. There’s a nice change to a more uptempo feel with distorted guitar chords and solo releasing to a picked riff with tension building to a final release.

Toilet Door
Acoustic strummed chords with distorted background chords, there’s quite a laid back feel to the drumming and bass. The vocals are similarly laid back, leading into a more urgent sounding riff with a similar angst in the vocals. Great contrast between distorted and cleaner sounds in the song. Some excellent delayed background effects.

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