Balance is the fourth album by the Mexican duo Lorelle Meets the Obsolete and it is an absolute triumph. It is an incredibly difficult album to categorise, there are elements of synth wave, post punk, stoner rock, psych and shoegaze. I really like how the production sounds great, it is spot on capturing the essence of each performance without over polishing or sanitising the sound.
Balance is available from Captcha Records in the USA on vinyl, CD and digital although please note that they don’t ship to the UK. It is also available from Sonic Cathedral in the UK, vinyl has sold out but the CDs are still available.
This song opens with a laid back beat, slightly distorted riff and subtle distorted bass drone, the synth sound is excellent. The vocals are quite subtly placed in the mix which gives them an ethereal quality. It’s a great sound, somewhere between synth wave, post punk and stoner rock with nice solo with feedback.
It Must be the only Way
The opening riff has a blues / rock quality, the vocals have that same ethereal feel. Drumming and bass enter to give an excellent momentum with a distorted riff. A great contrast between these two parts.
A bass arp and excellent synth sound to open, the distorted guitar riff adds a great element. There are really nice harmonies in the vocals and the distorted drone sound gives a great tension which is released to end the song.
The Sound of All Things
This follows seamlessly from the previous song with an excellent atmospheric opening from a swirling synth sound and excellent sound effects. This is followed by an excellent synth string sound layered over background sounds.
Drumming enters to give a great momentum and change of feel. The vocals are more upfront and have a dreamy quality with really nice use of reversed vocals. The distorted guitar gives an excellent contrast.
Waves Over Shadows
There’s a jangly quality to the opening of this song with a synth riff and chord vamp. The vocals have an excellent dreamy quality and there’s a great contrast with the emerging drone type sound which builds tension to a sudden release.
La Distincion
A great uptempo opening from drumming, bass, riff and distorted guitar riff. The vocals have an unearthly feel at times. There’s a nice change of feel leading back into the verse followed by an excellent solo and release to end the song.
Father’s Tears
I really like the bird sounds which open the song with a guitar riff and synth string sound, vocals are quite subtly placed in the mix again. There’s an ambience to the song but also an edge of tension.
Waves Under Shadows
An atmospheric opening propelled by bass arp and drumming, the song has a laid back groove with riff and distorted drone elements. The lead guitar is distorted with a great tone which fades out returning to the ambience and a riff with nice movement in pitch to end.
Eco Echo
A swirling opening synth is accompanied by a distorted riff and given great momentum by drumming and percussive rhythm. The vocals have a reverse quality to them and quite an unearthly feel. Great feedback effects to end the song.
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