Review of Dance with Destiny on Factory Fast Records

Another superb compilation from Factory Fast Records, it’s best described as experimental rock but only in the sense that it’s really difficult to categorise these songs by a particular genre, each artist is comfortable to explore and develop their own sound. There are indie rock, jazz, post punk and melodic rock influences, great use of distortion and excellent vocals too.

Red Crickets – My Deviance
Bass line to open leading into a slow jazz infused rock vibe with piano, chords and vocals. Some great harmonies, a great vibe and the organ adds a great element.

Glass Garden – One of a Kind
A post rock / grunge feel to the opening with fuzzed chords, bass riff and laid back vocals. A change to a more distorted sound in the chorus with corresponding change in vocals which have an angst.

AMbassadors of Morning – Dance With Destiny
Delayed guitar riff to open, great layering of piano and strummed chords. The song is propelled by solid drumming and bass. The song has a solid Rock vibe with great vocals which have a laid back feel.

Pig’n’Aif – My Amie
A sparkling synth riff and almost bitcrushed sounding bass to open, there’s a great distorted riff with a change of feel into a melodic prog rock kind of sound. I really like the interplay between synth and guitar parts.

The Danbury Lie – See the Light
Guitar riff and uptempo drumming to open, the vocals have a laid back psych quality which contrasts with the more uptempo drumming.

Aura-Blaze – Sub-terranean Patchwork Torus
Distortion / feedback to open, the drumming has a laid back feel leading into a more uptempo feel with distorted guitar and bass. The song takes on a more laid back vibe when the vocals enter. The organ adds a great element. The song has a melodic rock feel.

The Everglows – Julia Lost
Strummed distorted guitar and vocals to open, there’s a post rock feel (reminds me of Paul Westerberg) with a chord vamp which gives a great contrast to the riffing and distorted chords.

Factory Fast Records: website | twitter | facebook

Red Crickets: website | soundcloud

Glass Garden: bandcamp | instagram

AMbassadors of Morning: twitter | instagram

Pig’n’Aif: twitter

The Danbury Lie: twitter | bandcamp

Aura-Blaze: twitter | facebook

The Everglows: twitter

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