Diropel on twitter; Fwonk on twitter; Fwonk on bandcamp
This is a short EP released on the Fwonk netlabel (FW162) by Diropel, an ambient and experimental music project by Santiago Gr from Uruguay.
It’s a great EP which has excellent sounds which are layered to great effect. Each song creates a great soundscape which evolves really well. There are some haunting qualities too yet each song is captivating and really holds your interest.
Leporidae This song has a great soundscape, drone and choral type sound with heavy reverb which creates an almost haunting vibe. A metallised organ type of sound adds a nice tension with a great release at the end of the song.
Turmuta This song opens with a choir type of sound against a sound I can best describe as metallised wind chimes. Again, there are haunting qualities which complement a drone really well, the song has great movement and contrasts.
Wrwlf There’s a great pad type of sound to open against a background evolving, swirling sound. Another great soundscape, the song evolves really well with an emerging lead contrasting really well against the drone elements.