Another great selection:
Vague Notion – Human Love Song
Really like the visuals on this video, the song is really well arranged and uses some great bass and synth sounds. The vocals are also excellent and suit the style really well.
The Delta Saints – Steppin
Love the simplicity to this video which is really well shot. The song has a great simplicity as well, the vocals are brilliant, really soulful, and the playing is great too.
Them the Sky – Echolalia
Great visuals on the video, it’s really hypnotic and suits the song really well. The song evolves slowly with the video, having great ambient / drone qualities before bursting into a more defined rhythm and sound with great momentum. The song is really well produced with nice changes in rhythm and it has great vocals which have a really nice laid back feel.
Denormal – Bleed
Great visuals to the video which has a really nice dark edge to it at times. The song is excellently produced, a great synthpop / EBM style with a really tight sound with spot on vocals which suit the style really well.
Glitchfield Plaines – Nine
Glitchfield Plaines shot and edited the video themselves, there are some great visuals which have a create a kind of mystery and really hold your attention. The song evolves really well and has an ambient sound but with a great edge provided by some of the drone-type sounds.
Narrow Planes – Choices (Live)
Brilliant idea for a video, filming the band playing the song sat in a field. The song has a great chilled vibe, great riffing and the two guitars compliment each other really well. The vocals have a great edge to them with some really nice harmonies and a really nice touch to play percussion whilst sat on the box. And there’s even some free bird sounds for good measure too.