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Review of Lupin Fear EP by Letters from Mouse

This is an excellent EP, the original song and two remixes all have a distinctive sound that’s really difficult to classify. 

At it’s heart it’s electronic with ambient, IDM and sci-fi vibes amongst others. It’s very atmospheric, an edge of tension and a dystopian, sinister feel at times too. 

Lupin Fear

An Ambient synth track with a chilled vibe from swirling pad, superb bassline, synth lead line and drumming. The public service announcement quote leads to a darker feel returning to the original vibe.

Lupin Fear (Chaos Studio remix)

This remix has a more upbeat feel from the arp, excellent synth sounds too. It has really good changes on feel.  The field record of children playing gives it a sinister edge. 

Lupin Fear (Greg Blades remix)

Atmospheric opening from birds, synth sounds which have great movement and pad sound, drums and bass enter to give momentum. Change in feel adds tension, resolved by a release to an ambient vibe with an edge of tension. 

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